I've been playing keyboards for over 50 years.

When I was in 2nd grade, I remember walking home from school one day with one of my 2nd grade buddies. He was carrying a case with him. I asked him what it was. He said it was a saxophone, and he was taking lessons so he could play in the school band. I thought that was a cool idea, so that night I asked my dad if I could take saxophone lessons. He said, "Saxophone, huh?" "Draw a picture of one on the black board for me." I drew a trumpet. Obviously I never looked inside the case my buddy was carrying. After going through every instrument in a band, we finally decided I would take piano lessons instead.

The rest, as they say, is history. I could write a book about that history, but I won't bore you with that. I'll just say that music has been, and continues to be the most wonderful experience of my life!

Today I find myself playing with a great group of friends in The Chris McKain Band. Chris is an extremely talented singer. Doug Hilsinger is a great guitarist/singer. I think he should change his name to Doug Guitarsinger. Chuck Elberti is an excellent bass player, and accountant. Then there's Dana Valentine. Dana is a great drummer, and a long time friend.

I thank God every day for the talent he has given me, and for all the blessings that being a musician has brought to my life.

Ya'll go buy our new CD. If you buy ten we'll give you two for free.